Episode notes
In this episode of The Enochs Essence, the music team - Natalia Villafan, Akhil Diwana, Luis Guevara, Kylie Bonales, and Isabella DiPirro (Angelica Gonzalez was absent) discuss the state of modern music, what they're listening to, and how people fared this year at The Grammys. The group has also assembled a playlist for this episode which can be found by visiting www.enochseageeye.org and viewing it on the Spotify interface at the bottom of the page, or by searching for The Enochs Essence on Spotify. Be sure to like and subscribe to the podcast on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Thank you for supporting student journalism and expression!
NOTE: This is a student-run Podcast that was created as part of the Enochs High School ...
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