Education Rx

by Hollye Bronson and Shannon Donnaway

Education has reached a tipping point: we cannot use outdated practices and expect students to thrive. Education Rx was born out of a desire to support change in the public education system. Education should be engaging, have real world value, and be equitable for ALL students; no matter race, socio-economic status, or ability level. And, it should be FREE! We don't have all the answers, but we are searching out experts and re ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • Devin Siebold: Educator, Podcaster, Comedian


    Devin Siebold: Educator, Podcaster, Comedian


    Hollye sits down with Bored Teachers Comedian Devin Siebold for a light-hearted chat about being an educator and leaving education. Devin and Hollye talk about some of the highs and lows in education. Devin shares his journey moving from education into full-time comedian, public speaker, and podcaster. If you haven't watched "Crying in My Car" on YouTube, click this link and check it out. Listen in...Devin's story is worth a listen!

  • The Missing Link: Uniting Families and Educators

    The Missing Link: Uniting Families and Educators

    Hollye and Shannon talk with Eric Robinson, founder of TogetR4success. Eric's program is uniquely designed to create relationships between teachers and families over a 10 week period using games and challenges. This episode highlights the breakdown of trust and relationship between educators and families, and how it is impacting education across the US. Eric has created a program that is focused on the missing link of relationship and how to heal it. Eric's blog: Find Eric on LinkedIn: Eric's program: See the program challenges and games:

  • IEPs, Manifestations, and School Behaviors: Ryan Hogan

    IEPs, Manifestations, and School Behaviors: Ryan Hogan

    Join us as we talk with Ryan Hogan, @inclusivetogether, Ryan is a school psychologist AND the parent of a student with ASD. He knows how impactful it is to understand the system, know how to navigate it, and how to support it in the home. We discuss lingo (RTi, MTSS, IEP, MRD....), the processes you go through to get your student help, and what happens when a student with special needs is struggling with behaviors. Is restorative justice making a difference? Teachers are exhausted and at the end of their rope with student behaviors. Parents are exhausted and don't know what to do. Let's talk turkey and get to the bottom of it!

  • Teachers Gotta Eat: Paige Edmonds

    Teachers Gotta Eat: Paige Edmonds

    We continue our interview with Paige Edmonds, functional nutritionist and program director for Dr. Mindy Pelz's agency. This round, we focus in on teachers/educators and how they can fuel their crazy days. Paige offers quick and easy ideas to keep us all on our toes throughout the day. She also shares some of her fool proof ways to be prepared for the week so you stay fueled.

  • Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain: Paige Edmonds

    Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain: Paige Edmonds

    How do you sit in a class and stay focused on a lecture if you just ate a bunch of simple carbs and drank a sugary soda?? The way students eat is directly impacting their ability to engage in academics. But is goes deeper: the way students are eating is directly impacting their mental health, their behavior, AND their long-term health outcomes!It may be hard to swallow the magnitude of how our food is impacting our education system, but we NEED to talk about it! Luckily, we found Paige Edmonds, an amazing functional nutritionist who works with Dr. Mindy Pelz's agency, as well as provides support through her social media, to help make things simple. No, you don't need to empty the pantry and start from scratch. could start with some quick and easy 1st steps to create change.If you have a child who is dealing with ADHD, depression, acne, intense emotions, mood swings, anxiety, depression, or poor testing skills you want to listen to this episode.If you are a person, and you eat WANT to listen to this episode!!This is part 1 of a 2 part series with Paige. This episode focuses on students, how food is impacting their performance, and ways to make changes painlessly.Episode 2 will focus on teachers and adults, how food is impacting THEM, and manageable ways to start shifting their eating so that they can feel better!Check out these resources that Paige shares in the episode:Dr. Mindy Pelz Website. Paige's Instagram Site Education Rx Podcast YouTube channel (watch the full interview!)