Conversations with the EAT SLEEP RACE crew and guests from the racing industry and more!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Honda Enthusiast to Pro Fabricator | Episode #036 Schmuck Built

    Honda Enthusiast to Pro Fabricator | Episode #036 Schmuck Built

    Shop our merch on! Save 10% off with promo code: PODCAST In this episode of the Eat Sleep Race Podcast we sit down with Jason of Schmuck Built. Jason tells us how he got into fabricating at the age of 29, his history in the car scene and where he sees his work taking him in the future. Guest: @schmuckbuiltllc_ Hosts: @brianesr @hugoesr Producer: @navlifestylemedia #schmuckbuilt #fabrication #hondas

  • Founder of Drag Illustrated and Winter Series Drag Racing Events | Episode #035 Wes Buck

    Founder of Drag Illustrated and Winter Series Drag Racing Events | Episode #035 Wes Buck

    Shop our merch on! Save 10% off with promo code: PODCAST In this episode of the Eat Sleep Race Podcast we sit down with Wes Buck of Drag illustrated. Known for hosting some of the BADDEST drag racing events, Wes gives us his back story on how he got into drag racing, his reasoning behind creating Drag Illustrated and his goals for the future hosting events and shining the spotlight on racers. Guest: @wesbuckshow @dragillustrated Hosts: @brianesr @frankie5esr Producer: @navlifestylemedia #dragillustrated #dragracing #promod

  • EXCLUSIVE Drivers Club in the North East | Episode #034 Ed NEDC

    EXCLUSIVE Drivers Club in the North East | Episode #034 Ed NEDC

    Shop our merch on! Save 10% off with promo code: PODCAST In this episode of the Eat Sleep Race Podcast we sit down with Ed from North East Driver's Club. He explains the in's and outs of the club, what types of car enthusiasts join and some of the major benefits to being part of NEDC. Guest: @gtr_ed @northeast_driversclub @nedc_longisland Hosts: @brianesr @hugoesr Producer: @navlifestylemedia

  • He FABRICATES his own TURBO KITS | Episode #033 Gingium

    He FABRICATES his own TURBO KITS | Episode #033 Gingium

    Shop our merch on! Save 10% off with promo code: PODCAST In this episode of the Eat Sleep Race podcast we sit down with Caleb Sandlund. Better known as Gingium. He gives us the run down on what tools you need to fabricate your own turbo kit, an inside look at some of the builds from his YouTube channel (one of them EXPLODED!), benefits and disadvantages of running high compression for your turbo and his back story on becoming a Youtuber full time. Guest: @_Gingium_ Host: @nickpedroza Producer: @navlifestylemedia

  • She Races a SEVEN SECOND R35 GT-R | Episode #032 Brooke Berini

    She Races a SEVEN SECOND R35 GT-R | Episode #032 Brooke Berini

    Shop our merch on! Save 10% off with promo code: PODCAST In this episode of the Eat Sleep Race podcast we sit down with Brooke Berini. Brooke gives us her background in racing, her insights on racing the GT-R platform and some tips for anyone looking to get into drag racing! Guest: @brookeberini Host: @nickpedroza Producer: @navlifestylemedia