
Ep3 | Ch. 3 - Kiss from a Rose; Ch. 4 - Enough to Believe; Ch. 5 - Are You Even Real?

Digital Song - An Audiobook-Style Sci-Fi Thriller by Bantam Drexler

Episode notes

Chapter 3 - Kiss from a Rose

Listen to the song by Seal on Spotify.

Jayson wakes up haunted by yet another vivid dream that centers on a mysterious red door adorned with a pyramid and star symbol. For the past week, his dreams have been filled with strange symbols and an image of the Compass Rose, which he can't shake from his thoughts. As he processes this, his mind shifts to Anton's case. The NYPD has finally acknowledged wrongdoing in Anton's death, a small victory for Jayson as he fights to restore his friend’s reputation. Still, he can’t ignore the growing media attention, nor can he shake his suspicion that something larger, possibly linked to the powerful Arbor System ... 

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scifiscience fictionfictiontechnologyAIartificial intelligenceaudiobookserialDigital SongCompass RosePyramid Club