by Hussien, Osman, Osman

An unapologetically real podcast hosted by 3 muslim brothers. We dive into topics that range all over from life and the deen to all that’s in between, while keeping Islam the center point. Our goal is to allow anyone regardless of religion to be engaged in the conversation and be able to take the lessons and advice we hope to provide and be able to use it in their lives to help them. Life is like a DETOUR, we just use the DE ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • DEENTOUR 110 - Faith Over Culture: Choosing Islam & Living with Purpose

    DEENTOUR 110 - Faith Over Culture: Choosing Islam & Living with Purpose

    In this podcast we talk about culture, islam, living with purpose, sincerity, and how Ramadan proves we can be our best self. The conversation flowed into different discussions to showcase the importance of all these topics as it pertains to us as individuals and our relationship with Allah. DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more! Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!! Join Guided Success to deepen your Islamic knowledge & learn the Quran: Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!! Cop Our E-Book!! JOIN THE DISCORD: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: Tiktok: Intro - 0:00 Don’t neglect your culture - 0:40 Don’t get islam mixed with culture - 1:30 Islam is much deeper than culture - 2:22 Identifying with Islam first - 3:13 No man is over another man - 4:21 How does it feel knowing where your lineage comes from? - 5:18 Preservation of culture - 6:25 Shaytan deception, mixing truth with falsehood - 7:50 Cancel culture & Muslims hating Muslims - 9:24 Sincerity in the heart - 11:23 The story of 2 Muslims who returned to Allah in different ways - 12:52 We must choose Islam - 15:47 What does the way you look have to do with anything? - 17:53 How many times do you ask Allah to guide you? - 19:49 How iman can fluctuate day by day - 21:19 How your decision making can make or break your day - 22:06 Analyzing your actions and acts of worship - 23:45 Live with death constantly on your mind - 25:19 Let your circumstances constantly remind you of the inevitable - 26:28 Ramadan is proof you can achieve all your goals - 29:52 Pushing yourself outside of Ramadan - 35:00 37:15 - Outro

  • DEENTOUR 109 - The Key to being Wealthy as Muslims

    DEENTOUR 109 - The Key to being Wealthy as Muslims

    In this podcast we talk about the essence of wealth & provision as it pertains to Islam and how Allah has ordained for every creation its provision. We bring up how our wealth can be tied to how generous we are in giving for the sake of Allah regardless of the amount and why it’s so beloved to Allah. DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more! Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!! Join Guided Success to deepen your Islamic knowledge & learn the Quran: Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!! Cop Our E-Book!! JOIN THE DISCORD: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: Tiktok: Timeline Intro - 0:00 How giving for the sake of Allah is tied to our wealth - 0:46 Helping build the community & Muslim organizations/businesses - 2:03 Investing into your Akhirah - 3:10 Giving back for Allah will kill your love for money - 5:23 The blessings that come from giving wealth for Allah - 6:42 The best type of charity - 7:37 Charity will help us cleanse ourselves - 8:59 Building ourselves & families then trying to help build the community - 10:17 The blessing of zakat - 10:52 The amount we give can make much more impact than we think - 12:22 Wealth is a test for those who have it and those who don’t - 13:08 Another example of how doing for the sake of Allah only increases you - 14:17 Provision will chase you everyday - 15:41 How do you be actually be successful in providing? - 16:33 Things aren’t always as they seem - 18:44 Pondering deeply upon the Quran & reflecting on our lives - 20:48 Knowledge is power, but what is it without reflection? - 25:08 Your life is not yours - 26:47 Life is like a costume party - 28:43 The Muslim character around different types of people - 29:29 This is the time to discipline your nafs - 30:32 We can’t deem ourselves to be righteous Muslims - 31:27 Developing a need for Allah - 32:24 Outro - 34:25

  • DEENTOUR 108 - Ramadan Reset: Time Management, Quran & Connecting to Allah

    DEENTOUR 108 - Ramadan Reset: Time Management, Quran & Connecting to Allah

    In this podcast we talk about time and the blessings we’ve been given that we might take for granted. We’ve been given this time not only to use it scrolling on social media or doing what entertains us, but more so to worship Allah and strive to do things that bring us closer to Him. We also talk about Ramadan and building ourselves up to be better after this blessed month. DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more! Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!! Join Guided Success to deepen your Islamic knowledge & learn the Quran: Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!! Cop Our E-Book!! JOIN THE DISCORD: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: Tiktok: Intro - 0:00 Wasting time on things like social media - 1:10 How social media tries to push us to continue scrolling - 3:10 Overusing social media & it’s affect on our attention spans - 4:25 How valuable time is - 6:56 Our happiness can’t be measured by our iman or if life is feeling good - 7:51 A lesson from Surah Al-Asr - 8:53 Finding sincerity even when times are difficult & thinking about how we use tome - 9:36 Dua requires action - 10:51 Allah has entrusted us with our time & blessings - 12:41 Trying your absolute best this Ramadan - 13:55 The realization to shift your life and make change - 15:34 Build your connection with the Quran - 16:34 The best way to remember Allah - 19:13 Listening to the Quran vs. Understanding it - 20:17 Always deriving lessons from the Quran - 21:09 Seeking barakah by making dua for more things - 22:51 Osmans story showcasing reliance on Allah - 24:12 We always want to be in control but Allah is the only one capable of having control - 25:04 The story is yours, what are you going to do? - 26:11 Think better of Allah - 28:37 Don’t dishonor yourself or your blessings - 29:46 We’re all servants of Allah - 30:51 Make the most of your time in Ramadan & beyond - 31:36 Outro - 33:06

  • DEENTOUR 107 - Preparing for Ramadan

    DEENTOUR 107 - Preparing for Ramadan

    In this podcast we talk about our experience attending our first out of state event and some advice to prepare and make the best of this Ramadan! After this podcast, you should be more clear on what your goals are for this Ramadan and how you can keep it up after this blessed month! DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more! Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!! Start your FREE Trial in Guided Success! Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!! Cop Our E-Book!! JOIN THE DISCORD: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: Tiktok: Intro - 0:00 Our crazy story about our trip to virginia - 0:55 Yousofs side of the story - 9:26 We don’t always know how we act when we’re tried - 13:55 Jihad Al-Nafs - 15:05 Every single day is a test - 16:14 Ramadan is coming up! - 17:31 The reward of fasting - 20:00 Why do we fast? - 22:30 Advice to make this Ramadan your best ramadan - 24:09 Disciplining your Nafs even when shaytan isn’t influencing you - 25:22 Start preparing to do better before Ramadan - 27:43 Staying consistent after ramadan - 30:33 We have the same amount of time yet in Ramadan it feels different, why? - 32:00 If you support Islam, Allah will support you - 34:04 How can you beat your previous self this Ramadan? - 34:45 Setting goals for yourself this Ramadan - 36:43 Outro - 40:13

  • DEENTOUR 106 - The Key to Success in Life | Seeking Forgiveness

    DEENTOUR 106 - The Key to Success in Life | Seeking Forgiveness

    In this podcast we talk about the key to increasing our blessings and finding success in life through seeking forgiveness. We talk a little about the depth of seeking forgiveness and how it goes further than just outright sinning and into the principle of showcasing our imperfection and looking to Allah, who’s free of all imperfections and seeking His forgiveness as He promises that when we do so, He will increase us, grant us more blessings, and help us purify ourselves. DeenTour is a podcast and channel where 3 brothers showcase their love for islam through reminders, brotherhood, motivation, entertainment, and more! Let us know if you enjoyed this video and if you’d like to see more of this!! Start your FREE Trial in Guided Success! Read about finding your purpose and our journey to getting closer to God!! Cop Our E-Book!! JOIN THE DISCORD: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Instagram: Tiktok: Intro - 0:00 Allah loves those who repent - 1:15 The key to change starts with repentance - 2:29 Allah will reward or punish you based on how you are - 3:23 Lacking Accountability - 4:03 We choose who we want to be - 5:34 What Allah says about repentance & forgiveness - 6:15 The example of Prophet Muhammad seeking forgiveness - 7:34 Do we live perfect days? - 8:40 The feeling of Ramadan, striving to get better, & being involved in community - 9:45 Forgiveness will only increase you - 11:22 Sinning intentionally and sinning out of weakness - 12:37 Giving up anything for the sake of Allah - 15:02 Your time to disconnect is when you’re with Allah - 16:22 How to be more content in your life - 17:34 The keys to success and abundance - 19:00 How the tests of this world affect us differently - 20:38 Why did Allah not give everyone certain blessings? - 22:00 Giving back for the sake of Allah - 23:15 The heart is constantly changing - 24:45 Following the sunnah to elevate ourselves - 25:44 The goal is not to always seek pleasure or comfort - 26:56 The aspect of doing good deeds as consistently as we can - 27:50 The Mercy of Allah & His forgiveness - 29:07 Calling out to Allah - 30:00 Sometimes we don’t perceive things we should ask forgiveness for - 30:48 Outro - 33:45