NDUS: Using AI to quickly track pertinent Legislation
State University Systems are frequently impacted by state legislation- from funding to rules, policies, and everything in between. Universities typically operate with streamlined (slim) budgets, busy staff, and with lots of focus on serving students and research. Legislators are similarly busy and concerned with many things across the state, not just the university system. Proposals and draft legislation impact the universities, but lots of content, lots of drafts, and a short legislative cycle make it very time consuming for the university to find all the legislative content that impacts them, and then decide how to best to collaborate. Ryan Jockers and the NDUS team utilized AI to drastically reduce this burden, cutting the time to insight from weeks to minutes. LegiTrack, their system, is just the start! You might hear "NDSU" instead of "NDUS" a few times during the episode. Apologies for the slip of the tongue! We're still talking about the North Dakota University System throughout.