Psychedelic Cowgirl Riding Bareback Through the Culture Wars
Author and psychedelic cowgirl extraordinaire joined me on the podcast for a rollicking and illuminating conversation about writing, waking up, (not) fitting in and pushing back against mind control, groupthink and consensus delusions. Part 2: All things Dani, including books, courses, coaching + consulting: Register NOW for Confluence in Bandera, Texas where Dani will be speaking: That article we mention about Obama’s divide and rule propaganda psyop: The article that (I had no idea) got me canceled with the Santa Fe alphabet community: Find Bett: Show notes: Life as a writer Obama and Project Mermaid Psy-ops & Wise Fool article Fauxvid and politics Mushroom healing Tom Robbins- Dani’s pen-pal story Bett meets Michael Ventura Leviathan- the end of a world Reflecting on her book Jesus- psyop vs consciousness Being gay in church Queer ideology & LGBT psy-op Tavistock & The Rainbow Woke friends & race relations Sweat lodges & activism What snapped her out of it? Friends & free self-expression Kanye’s posts Being lesbian in a trans world Boundaries & giving The Wild Kindness 2020 book George Floyd & gate-keeping Being writers in a woke world Obama, Smith Mundt, race psyop ‘Anti-racism’ collectivism is harmful Shadow-work & social media pressure Twitter- unifying tweets