Live play of the table top role playing game ( TTRPG) Cyberpunk Red from R.Talsorian Games. 5 Players are sent into Night City on various tasks but it's always their choice which way they go. With the improv style game play, hilarity ensues. This "radio theater" is ripe with sound effects and original music. Join Banthar, Sly, Heretic, Scythe, and Brock Stockton as they get into all the trouble with a new episode every othe ... ... Read more
Podcast episodes
Season 3
Episode 46: The Red Chrome Legion
It's cold in Minneapolis and our team is not dressed for this. The Cyber Psychos try to find Sakura Sato who has been kidnapped by The Red Chrome Legion because of her stance on border control. Militech is trying to take her out because of her stance on unification of the new US. It gets messy.
Episode 44: Whiskers In The Wind