Bonne Fete Okap - Sakapfet Okap Interview
Cap-Haitian will proudly celebrate its 354th Anniversary in August. The Creole Narratives podcast is thrilled to welcome Bradley and Alendy, the founders of Sakapfet Okap on the show. They talked with host Fadia Patterson about "Okap Flavors' and the festival that celebrates OKAP’s birthday. With their experience as tour guides, Bradley and Alendy are anticipating thousands for the annual celebration. Their influential platform on Instagram and YouTube boasts around half a million global followers. They consistently share stunning content showcasing Haiti’s beaches, historic monuments, celebrations, and its people, contributing to the local economy’s growth. They recently built a new library for the city. Despite the ongoing turmoil in the nation and an opportunity to leave —the pair shared why they decided to stay.“If you’re not in Haiti, If you’re not involved in Haiti — you let some other country build your country for you and they will build for you what they think you deserve. And no else knows better than you what you deserve. So you have a choice if you leave. The next generation will have what someone else designed for them,” said Bradley.