Country Roads Creeps

by Shane and Hannah

Country Roads Creeps covers all manor of creepy, scary, morbid, and mysterious. We try to focus on the paranormal, cryptids, strange phenomena, and similar subjects and, while not necessarily a true crime show, we will delve into some cases from time to time as is relevant to our main focus.

Hosted by Shane and Hannah

Podcast episodes

  • Zombies


    What's the deal with zombies? Where do they come from? What's the Lore? Find out with us on this episode of Country Roads Creeps! As always, if you love the show, please leave us a five star review on your preferred podcasting platform and follow us on our Instagram and Facebook Page @CountryRoadsCreeps!

  • Is there Gold in Fort Knox?

    Is there Gold in Fort Knox?

    With all the talk about going to look at the gold in Fort Knox, we decided to investigate some of the theories that crop up from time to time on this week’s episode of Country Roads Creeps! As always, if you love the show, please leave us a five star review on your preferred podcasting platform and follow us on our Instagram and Facebook Page @CountryRoadsCreeps!

  • Haunting at Cheat Lake

    Haunting at Cheat Lake

    The Cheat River is known to most as a place of fun with rafting, fishing, and scenic views. The lake formed after a dam was placed on the river adds an area for swimming and boating. While the majority of visitors to this area enjoy their experience, some leave with the haunting encounter of ghosts seen running through the woods, ghosts which may or may not be headless. Check out this week’s episode to learn more about the tragic history behind these apparitions. As always, if you love the show, please leave us a five star review on your preferred podcasting platform and follow us on our Instagram and Facebook Page @CountryRoadsCreeps!

  • Murder Mystery in Room 1046

    Murder Mystery in Room 1046

    On January 2nd, 1935 a man by the name of Roland T Owen checked into the Hotel President in Kansas City Missouri. After a couple days' stay, with some strange events happening along the way, he would die at a hospital from beating and stabbing wounds. His body was stored in a local funeral home for two months since they found no family or anyone to make arrangements. He was scheduled to be buried in the city’s potter’s fields which is like a common burial placed for unknown people, until funds for a funeral and a floral arrangement were sent signed only by the name “Louise” As always, if you love the show, please leave us a five star review on your preferred podcasting platform and follow us on our Instagram and Facebook Page @CountryRoadsCreeps!

  • Vampires


    We're doing vampires! What they are, the history, the lore, how to get rid of one and more! As always, if you love the show, please leave us a five star review on your preferred podcasting platform and follow us on our Instagram and Facebook Page @CountryRoadsCreeps!