EP46-Guaranteed Unnatural Evolution of the Mighty Human w/ Scientist Dragon Protector-Amir Jahangiri

Cosmic Brilliance by Merrily Milmoe

Episode notes

Dr. Amir Jahangiri, the original noble Dragon Protector with 7 degrees and all abilities, returns to answer more questions that are both revealing and uplifting. He is one of the very few I have met who can shortcut the overview & purpose of life to save you time wading through a lot of misinformation. As an original Dragon Creator, Amir quickly explains all manner of creational science (from first-hand experience) - like Dark Matter, Black Holes, and White Holes, that most scientists are still scratching their heads about. He lives it, breathes it, and also helps heal you back to pristine energetic condition while providing for you who your soul is on the highest level and your purpose.

FIRST TIME REVEALED!!! We delve into his term: “Guaranteed Unnatural Evolution of the Mighty Human,” to give you a quick overview of this entire ... 

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