Class of X

by Jon Risinger

Class of X is a podcast book club for past, present and future readers of X-Men comics hosted by Jon Risinger. Each episode Jon & guest cover a specific story from the history of the X-Men, providing insight, context and humor for the audience to enjoy. It's the comics podcast where you don't need to know comics to listen!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • The Real Villain of X-Men '97

    The Real Villain of X-Men '97

    X-Men '97 has revealed Bastion and Operation Zero Tolerance with their hidden Prime Sentinels. But what is the true origin of Bastion and what does he have to do with Nimrod, Genosha and the future of mutants in the Marvel universe. Find out this and more in today's companion piece to X-Men '97 on Disney+.

  • Deadpool Movies vs Deadpool Comics

    Deadpool Movies vs Deadpool Comics

    Deadpool and Wolverine dropped their first trailer this week so there is no better time than ever to learn about where the character came from in the comics. Join me on a brief but moderately accurate attempt at unraveling the convoluted and interesting origins of this character that has been stealing hearts since the 90's.

  • X-Men Arcade Game Meets Inferno?

    X-Men Arcade Game Meets Inferno?

    X-Men '97 episodes 3 & 4 take huge swings at paying homage to Inferno, one of the biggest X-Men stories from the 80's involving a mysterious clone of Jean and a demonic assault on the team. As well as a pixelated take on the famous Konami X-Men game with the help of Mojo, the spineless other-dimensional overlord obsessed with ratings.

  • X-Men '97 Episodes 1 & 2

    X-Men '97 Episodes 1 & 2

    It's a glorious day to be an X-Men fan and even better if you're a 90's kid at heart. Disney+ has premiered X-Men '97 with the first two episodes and Professor Risinger is here to feed your minds with sweet knowledge on what the show is pulling from the comics. Let's talk about cartoons, comics and cool Cyclops moments. TO ME, MY X-MEN FANS!

  • Gambit's First Appearance!

    Gambit's First Appearance!

    Gambit didn't make his premiere with red eyes, Magik is a lot older than you think and Rogue didn't make her first appearance in X-Men comics. All facts we talk about in this special "first appearances" episode where I asked you the listened who your favorite characters were and then discussed what their first appearance in comics were. This episode we cover Shadowcat, Emma Frost, Magik, Gambit & Rogue. Who do you want in the next episode that I missed?