Catching Fire: How Teams Win

by Mohamed Hanbal

This Podcast is all about Team Performance & Company Culture. We will share ideas about how to improve & sustain your team performance while creating a great internal company culture that every employee would love to belong to. We will also reach out and interview great leaders who were capable of getting the best out of their teams & created a great team culture. And you will listen to their lessons learned, how they were abl ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • An Interview with Rosemary Joshy, Head of Global Software Strategy Innovation & Business Improvement at Continental

    An Interview with Rosemary Joshy, Head of Global Software Strategy Innovation & Business Improvement at Continental

    In this insightful conversation, host Mohamed Hanbal sits down with Rosemary Joshy, Head of Global Software Strategy Innovation and Business Improvement at Continental. Together, they delve into key themes such as the importance of self-awareness among leaders, fostering trust within remote teams, and the power of communication and collaboration for innovation. Join us as we explore Rosemary's experiences in building trust, navigating challenges, and driving success through effective leadership strategies. Get ready to be inspired and learn valuable insights on how teams can not only thrive but also ignite change in the professional world.

  • Unleashing Clarity and Motivation: How Asking Three Questions Can Enhance YOUR Team Performance

    Unleashing Clarity and Motivation: How Asking Three Questions Can Enhance YOUR Team Performance

    In this episode of "Catching Fire: How Teams Win," host Mohamed Hanbal introduces a powerful tool for enhancing team performance. He shares three questions that have proven to bring clarity and motivation to team members, ultimately boosting their performance. Mohamed explains the psychological barriers that often prevent action, decision-making, and crucial discussions, and demonstrates how asking these questions can break through these barriers. Listeners will gain valuable insights into leveraging these questions to foster growth and strengthen relationships within their teams. Join us as we delve into the transformative impact of asking three simple yet profound questions.

  • Dealing with a Difficult Boss: Practical Solutions

    Dealing with a Difficult Boss: Practical Solutions

    In this special episode of Catching Fire: How Teams Win, we delve into the challenging topic of handling a bad boss. Host Mohamed Hanbal sheds light on the realities of dealing with a difficult supervisor and offers practical advice for employees caught in this predicament. Mohamed discusses the importance of understanding the root of the problem, approaching the situation with maturity, and taking proactive steps to address the issue. Listeners will gain valuable insights on how to navigate a strained relationship with a boss and take control of their career trajectory. So, whether you're struggling with a bad boss or simply seeking strategies for future career challenges, stay tuned for this enlightening episode.

  • The Illusion of Nostalgia: Cognitive Biases That Trick Us Into Thinking That the Past Was Better

    The Illusion of Nostalgia: Cognitive Biases That Trick Us Into Thinking That the Past Was Better

    In this episode of Catching Fire: How Teams Win, host Mohamed Hanbal delves into the topic of nostalgia and how our brains have a tendency to view the past through rose-colored glasses. He discusses the cognitive biases that trick us into thinking that the past was better than the present, citing insights from brain science and psychology. Hanbal explores three scientific reasons why we often perceive the past as more positive, shedding light on the influence of self-image, abstract thinking, and relativity in shaping our memories. By unraveling the illusion of nostalgia, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of how our perceptions of the past can impact our emotional states and decision-making processes.

  • The Feedback Dilemma: Why Leaders Struggle and then FAIL to Give Effective Feedback

    The Feedback Dilemma: Why Leaders Struggle and then FAIL to Give Effective Feedback

    In this episode of Catching Fire: How Teams Win, we will delve into the challenge of giving effective feedback in the workplace. Drawing parallels between parenting and managerial roles, we will highlight the difficulties managers face in consistently providing feedback to their team members. We will discuss the limitations of traditional feedback methods such as 360-degree feedback and emphasizes the importance of timely and constructive feedback for employee growth. We will also explore psychological barriers that hinder managers from providing feedback and offer insights into the complexities of changing human behavior. From asking revealing questions to avoiding general feedback and the pitfalls of relying solely on training, we will provide a comprehensive guide to effective feedback strategies for managers. Tune in to gain valuable perspectives on giving impactful feedback that fosters personal and professional growth within your team.