Proactive Prevention: How Nancy Juetten's Cancer Story Highlights the Need for Early Detection

Cancer U Thrivers by Cancer U

Episode notes
Imagine a vibrant, health-conscious woman, whose life revolved around radiating positivity and teaching others to captivate audiences. But, as fate would have it, an unexpected twist plunged her into a harsh reality she never saw coming. What happened next will leave you on the edge of your seat, eager to uncover the powerful lesson she learned about the importance of early detection and regular mammogram screenings.Even if you're a normal, healthy person, if you notice something that seems a little bit unusual, trust your instincts and bring it to the attention of a medical provider so you can have it checked out. - Nancy JuettenIn this episode, you will be able to:
  • Uncover a true testament to survival - an uplifting breast cancer journey.
  • Learn why early detection and regular mammogram screenings could be your lifeline.
  • Real ... 
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