Podcast episodes
Season 1
Angel Suggestion Box
Procrastination Club
Alternative titles for this episode include: A Little Dessert Puff, Chainsmoke these Bananas, and Like a Little Gibbon. Join Kristi and Jordan this week for a late Father's Day special! We talk about things we learned from our dads, what we've been up to since our last recording, and bananas. Lots of bananas. It's time to Call Your Mom!
John Deer's Daughter
Alternative Titles for this episode include: Medical Report from the Ranch, Just Lose a Little Stuff, Built like a Minion, Don't Word It Out, and Oh Dog Don't Wallow! This week, Kristi and Jordan talk about phrases and words used in Texas that non-Texans keep in their mouth too often. We also talk about other things, like good snacks, doctor's appointments, and more. Jere makes a special cameo appearance! It's time to Call Your Mom!
A Tot By Any Other Name
Alternative Titles Include: Snake or a Poop Log, Hot Fresh & Salty, A Special Frepisode, and A Tool is a Tool No Matter How Old. It's time again to Call Your Mom! This week, Kristi and Jordan walk down memory lane. Along the way, they rank their top 5 favorite fastfood/restaurant french fries. Don't forget to Call Your Mom!
Baked and Bought
Alternative titles for this episode include Snickerdoot, Any Nut in a Storm, Fudgy Bottom, and Peeps at Peppy Farms We are so excited to welcome you back to Call Your Mom! After a long hiatus, Kristi and Jordan are back with a new top-5 favorites model. This week? We explore our top 5 favorite cookies, both homemade and store bought. Is it really an episode of Call Your Mom if a dog doesn't bark? It's time to Call Your Mom!