
Episode 108- Testimonies- Dr. John Noe- Answering the Call

The Burros of Berea Podcast by Rick Welch

Episode notes

The Burros of Berea speak with Dr. John Noe, author of Peak Performance Principles for High Achievers, People Power, The Apocalypse Conspiracy, Beyond the End Times: The Rest of...The Greatest Story Ever Told, Hell Yes/Hell No, The Next Great Reformation and many more. Growing up in church, Dr. Noe tells how through the years that he would answer the call to salvation, the call to ministry, the call to writing which would lead him to defending the faith in front of millions of people. It's a fascinating story of heartache, encouragement and the willingness to do whatever it takes to tell others about his faith. To learn more about Dr. Noe visit:

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testimoniesdr john noepeople powerpeak performance principles for high achieversthe apocalypse conspiracythe greater jesus