B the Main Character

by Bianca Villers

Lifestyle, health and wellness, fitness junkie, my journey with mental health, book lover and all things working in health care wrapped into a podcast that inspires you to live as the main character of your own story in all aspects of your life.

Podcast episodes

  • Soft Nursing (starting my new job)

    Soft Nursing (starting my new job)

    Hi friends! New job equals reinvention era maybe? I am leaving my "home hospital" that I have been at for the last four years, but change is a beautiful thing and I am so excited to embark on this new journey! In this episode we talked about what lead to me to outpatient nursing and why I am plan to stay in it. As well as the differences between outpatient and inpatient nursing as someone who has experienced both. & Happy October, cheers to 3 more months of the year!!

  • Summer Scaries transition to Embracing Fall

    Summer Scaries transition to Embracing Fall

    Hey guys, with fall officially starting this weekend, we are in the full blown swing over here, and loving every minute. I have a soy fall candle in every room, the apartment is decorated, the fall recipes are cooking... its go time. This episode we are going to be talking about making the transition from summer to fall more seamless and less sad, although I know I have a lot of fall loving girlies listening on here. I am also harping on the fact of romanticizing each season before it slips away and making the most of this slow, cozy, family and friend filled time. & as always a new season is always an excuse to reinvent yourself if you so choose. Enjoy!

  • Summer Reading Wrapped

    Summer Reading Wrapped

    Hi guys and welcome back! Sadly this will be my last summer style episode until next year, but we are finishing strong with wrapping up and discussing my 15 summer reads this year. Lots of romances with some family drama and thriller books mixed in. My star rating and brief intro to the book to either peak your interest or not. You may have even have read some of these books and you can compare your perspective with mine! Or even take some for your TBR for next summer.

  • My Acne Journey Pt. 2

    My Acne Journey Pt. 2

    Hi guys! First thing I want to thank all of you for your kind feedback and messages on last weeks episode, it made my heart so full. This week we are talking about the products, supplements, and daily practices I do to benefit and aide my acne. Skincare is certainly not a one size fits all so what works for me may not work for you but I wanted to share my experiences!

  • My Acne Journey Pt. 1


    My Acne Journey Pt. 1


    A very story telling time episode over my past 8 years of struggling with acne, from a desperate girl in her teens who just wanted clear skin to an adult that thought it would go fully away by now. This episode has been in my drafts forever and I finally compiled thoughts and learned experiences on this journey. I know many people have struggled with similar issues where they felt their needs were being brushed off and unheard by some*professionals meant to aide us, and then taken matters into your own hands to heal yourself by any means necessary. I relate and understand your frustration. Here is a little heart to heart episode. Tune in for part 2 next week!