Back to Birding

by Luke Thompson and Patrick Higgins

Navigate the world of birding with your hosts Luke Thompson and Patrick Higgins!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Peter Kaestner's Breathtaking Life of Birding (Shipwrecks? Cannibals?)

    Peter Kaestner's Breathtaking Life of Birding (Shipwrecks? Cannibals?)

    Join Patrick and Luke as they fangirl over one of their childhood heroes, Peter Kaestner. Peter holds the world record for having seen the highest number of bird species in the world, with a grand total of over 10,000 (there's only about 11,000!). His birding adventures come with a truckload of unfathomable experiences and achievements, and his life is a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty and complexity of the natural world. Peter’s childlike wonder abounds, even late in life, as he still marvels over each species. Trophies are not the only thing setting Peter apart, rather, his relentless commitment to conservation, community, and education make him one of a kind. He has contributed to various research projects and conservation efforts, helping to monitor populations and advocate for the protection of endangered species (including the one he discovered!). His enthusiasm is contagious, his knowledge boundless, and his dedication unwavering. We can't wait to hear what you most enjoyed from this episode. It was an honor, to say the least, to have Peter join us. Thank you for listening! Reach out for anything at Cundinamarca Antpitta - eBird Peter Kaestner - eBird Please leave a rating wherever you're streaming!

  • David Hollie on the Lesser Antilles and its endemic birds, Part 2

    David Hollie on the Lesser Antilles and its endemic birds, Part 2

    Join Luke and David as they dive deep into the wonders of Lesser Antillean birds and island life. This episode was recorded prior to the recent split of House Wren, and David provides some incredible insight into the reality of the House Wren "subspecies", as well as his opinions on other splits of Lesser Antillean endemics. David's invaluable photo and audio documentation of these island endemics have been leaned on heavily during the species revision process. This episode is a hair more fast-paced than usual, so buckle up and enjoy the ride! Reach out for anything at Meet the Caribbean’s Six New Avian Endemics! – BirdsCaribbean David Hollie - eBird Trip Reports: eBird, Cloud Birders Please leave a rating wherever you're streaming!

  • David Hollie on the Lesser Antilles and its endemic birds, Part 1

    David Hollie on the Lesser Antilles and its endemic birds, Part 1

    David Hollie discusses endemic birds of the Lesser Antilles after his experiences targeting them in summer of 2o23. Enjoy! Photos by of David Hollie and Luke Thompson (Northern House Wren). Photo Gallery: Lesser Antilles with David Hollie, Part 1 Photos (Pixieset) Trip Reports: eBird, Cloud Birders Feel free to contact us at!

  • Season 1

  • Using heavy metal to catch grouse!! UTAH Pt. 2

    Using heavy metal to catch grouse!! UTAH Pt. 2

    Listen in as Patrick describes in detail the remainder of his trip to Utah; diving into the unique oddities of Greater Sage-Grouse research, the inquisitive tactics of Pinyon Jay research, and the extraordinary birds which can be found above tree line. Enjoy! Reach out with anything at BACK TO BIRDING EPISODE 10 by Back to Birding ( Greater Sage-Grouse lek Please leave a rating wherever you're streaming!

  • Emergency flight back from Panama?! And UTAH Pt. 1

    Emergency flight back from Panama?! And UTAH Pt. 1

    Join Patrick and Luke for a slightly unconventional episode as they discuss their most recent adventures... some more exhilarating than expected. The first half of the episode dives into Luke's unfortunate emergency flight home from guiding in Panama, and the second half covers the first few birds of Patrick's recent trip to Utah. Part 2 coming promptly. Enjoy! Reach out with anything at Please leave a rating wherever you're streaming!