So, You Want to Write a Novel? Where to Begin, Episode 31

Authors Talking Bookish by Donna Norman-Carbone and Hope Gibbs

Episode notes


Are you interested in writing a book but don’t quite know where to begin? This episode delves into the beginning stages of writing a novel. From brainstorming, to research, character creation and world building, we’ll discuss the process to set a good foundation for the novel you always dreamed of writing.

Show Notes:

How to begin?

Character, world, plot, title, a question…

How to explore seeds of inspiration

Once you decide, write a quick summary of the plot or even a tagline to help you begin conceptualizing the story

Do you need to conduct research?

Freewrite what you know

Make a list of what you need to know & begin researching: record details and sources in a document

Create extensive character bios: goals, conflicts, arcs

Create a timeline of major plot points/  ... 

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