#16 - A microbial eukaryote with purple bacteria and green algae endosymbionts - Muñoz-Gómez et al., 2021 - Science Advances

Papers Aloud by Arkadiy Garber

Episode notes

Title: A microbial eukaryote with a unique combination of purple bacteria and green algae as endosymbionts

Authors: Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez, Martin Kreutz, Sebastian Hess

Citation: Muñoz-Gómez, S.A. et al. (2021) A microbial eukaryote with a unique combination of purple bacteria and green algae as endosymbionts. Sci Adv, 7.

Link to article

endosymbiontspurple sulfur bacteriagreen algaethiodyctionphagotroph