About Time for True CrimeExplicit

by About Time for True Crime

It’s about time you heard a true crime podcast from two educated women in the field. Each holding degrees in criminal justice and certification for recovery support, Allie and Abby are currently working in the criminal justice system. These two young, excited and educated women set out to share with you true crime stories, from old and current, small town and national headlines, while also sharing personal experience as it r ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Russia’s Ripper Granny


    Russia’s Ripper Granny


    Episode 169: Russia’s Ripper Granny We begin our episode with some true crime news regarding Casey Anthony, ‘Ghost Adventures‘ host Aaron Goodwin, Grant Amato and Karen Read. Our case brings us to Russia, where Tamara Samsonova lived with her husband. After her husband disappeared in the early 2000s, Tamara rented out a room in her apartment to various tenants. Strangely, she never seemed to have a tenant for long. During renovations, Tamara moved in with 79 year old Valentina Ulanova in March 2015. In July, Tamara was seen on CCTV footage carrying big, heavy bags into a park and discarding them in different spots. Once the contents of those bags were discovered, Tamara was promptly arrested. Skippers: Approx 24:30 Resources (US) Mental Health Emergency: Dial 9-8-8 Help for Mental Illnesses - National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Tune in to this episode to learn more! Email us at: abouttime4tc@gmail.com Follow us on IG: about.time.for.true.crime.pod Linktree Don’t forget to rate, follow, download, and tell a friend! Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TC updates: 1 2 3 4

  • Marie Moore, the Murder of Theresa Feury


    Marie Moore, the Murder of Theresa Feury


    Episode 168: Marie Moore, the Murder of Theresa Feury Today’s episode brings us to Marie Moore, who committed unspeakable acts against children in the name of Billy Joel. Yes, you read that correctly. Marie had one child, a daughter named Tammy, and Tammy had friends over their home often. Those children took to Marie and she doted on them, right up until she didn’t… Marie used fear tactics, deception, and violence to control and abuse the children for her pleasure. These horrific actions cost 13 year old Theresa Feury her life. Resources (US) Child Abuse Resource Center (aacap.org) Prevent Child Abuse America National resource center for DV: https://nrcdv.org/ SA resource https://rainn.org/resources Mental Health Emergency: 9-8-8 Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Evil Lives Here S14E2

  • Portsmouth Beauty School Murders


    Portsmouth Beauty School Murders


    Episode 167: Portsmouth Beauty School Murders Our episode takes us back to the 1980s in Portsmouth, NH; a small coastal city and one of the oldest in New Hampshire. Laura Kemptin was a 23 year old student at the Portsmouth Beauty School, as well as an aspiring model. When she was found brutally murdered in her apartment, leads soon dried up and her case grew cold. Decades later, forensic advancements brought investigators closer to an answer, but in that time, another young woman, Tammy Little, was also murdered. Laura and Tammy led eerily similar lives, both beauty school students and aspiring models, but their deaths were also eerily similar. With information regarding Tammy Little’s murder, call 603-223-6270 Tune in to this episode to learn more! Email us at: abouttime4tc@gmail.com Follow us on IG: about.time.for.true.crime.pod Linktree Don’t forget to rate, follow, download, and tell a friend! Sources: Murder, She Told: Laura Kemptn and Tammy Little: The Portsmouth Beauty School Murders Dark Downeasst: The Murders of Laura Kempton & Tammy Little (New Hampshire) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

  • Larry and Bianca Rudolph


    Larry and Bianca Rudolph


    Episode 166: Larry and Bianca Rudolph Larry Rudolph was a successful dentist with several practices in the Pittsburg, PA area, and he and his wife Bianca had recently relocated to Arizona to live out their golden years. The couple had two grown children, and were focusing their next chapter as empty nesters. Larry and Bianca were avid big game hunters, and in October 2016, Larry surprised Bianca with a hunting trip to Zambia. The morning they were to depart and head home to a wedding, Bianca died in what was initially called a tragic accident. The investigation into her death would reveal her husband Larry (and his girlfriend Lori Milliron) were not as innocent as they seemed. Tune in to this episode to learn more! Email us at: abouttime4tc@gmail.com Follow us on IG: about.time.for.true.crime.pod Linktree Don’t forget to rate, follow, download, and tell a friend! Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DateLine S31E11 Love Marry Kill: Bianca and Larry Rudolph

  • The Murder of Travis Alexander (Jodi Arias Part 3)


    The Murder of Travis Alexander (Jodi Arias Part 3)


    Episode 165: The Murder of Travis Alexander (Jodi Arias Part 3) In our 3rd and final part of this series, we cover the trial, and all that was uncovered during it. The trial includes testimony by Jodi herself, and her new version of what really happened the day Travis was murdered. It also includes recordings, messages, and photos from Travis and Jodi’s various sexual encounters, which were all put on display in the courtroom. Tune in to this episode to learn more! Email us at: abouttime4tc@gmail.com Follow us on IG: about.time.for.true.crime.pod Linktree Don’t forget to rate, follow, download, and tell a friend! Sources