A Pint Of Cthulhu

by A Pint of Cthulhu

Hello and welcome to A Pint Of Cthulhu

A core group of 6 friends that take on a new ttrpg every season from cthulhus tentacles to a group of murder hobos in phandelver only to blow themselves up in the wastelands

New episodes every Friday

Keep a lookout for our one shots and guest player's and interviews

Podcast episodes

  • Season 4

  • Blister Critters Episode 13 Bugs Bugs and more Bugs

    Blister Critters Episode 13 Bugs Bugs and more Bugs

    Welcome to season 4 Blister Critters a custom campaign throughout the Critterverse join the team as they explore and take on the challenges of Fun Urchin Park all be it at a 1 foot high point of view if you feeling generous leave us a review as it helps us out alternatively find us on KoFi ko-fi.com/apintofcthulhu most of our music has been created by Reed Reimer of Fable Factory @fable_org (@reimerpdx) join us (X) @APintofCthulhuand Bsky @apintofcthulhu.bsly.social Blister Critters Game https://stillfleet.com/games/blister_critters/

  • Blister Critters Episode 12 Suck my Tentacles

    Blister Critters Episode 12 Suck my Tentacles

    Welcome to season 4 Blister Critters a custom campaign throughout the Critterverse join the team as they explore and take on the challenges of Fun Urchin Park all be it at a 1 foot high point of view if you feeling generous leave us a review as it helps us out alternatively find us on KoFi ko-fi.com/apintofcthulhu most of our music has been created by Reed Reimer of Fable Factory @fable_org (@reimerpdx) join us (X) @APintofCthulhuand Bsky @apintofcthulhu.bsly.social Blister Critters Game https://stillfleet.com/games/blister_critters/

  • Blister Critters Episode 11 Beaver beat down

    Blister Critters Episode 11 Beaver beat down

    Welcome to season 4 Blister Critters a custom campaign throughout the Critterverse join the team as they explore and take on the challenges of Fun Urchin Park all be it at a 1 foot high point of view if you feeling generous leave us a review as it helps us out alternatively find us on KoFi ko-fi.com/apintofcthulhu most of our music has been created by Reed Reimer of Fable Factory @fable_org (@reimerpdx) join us (X) @APintofCthulhuand Bsky @apintofcthulhu.bsly.social Blister Critters Game https://stillfleet.com/games/blister_critters/

  • Blister Critters Episode 10 Honey Hive

    Blister Critters Episode 10 Honey Hive

    Welcome to season 4 Blister Critters a custom campaign throughout the Critterverse join the team as they explore and take on the challenges of Fun Urchin Park all be it at a 1 foot high point of view if you feeling generous leave us a review as it helps us out alternatively find us on KoFi ko-fi.com/apintofcthulhu most of our music has been created by Reed Reimer of Fable Factory @fable_org (@reimerpdx) join us (X) @APintofCthulhuand Bsky @apintofcthulhu.bsly.social Blister Critters Game https://stillfleet.com/games/blister_critters/

  • Blister Critters Episode 9 Wrecking Ball

    Blister Critters Episode 9 Wrecking Ball

    Welcome to season 4 Blister Critters a custom campaign throughout the Critterverse join the team as they explore and take on the challenges of Fun Urchin Park all be it at a 1 foot high point of view if you feeling generous leave us a review as it helps us out alternatively find us on KoFi ko-fi.com/apintofcthulhu most of our music has been created by Reed Reimer of Fable Factory @fable_org (@reimerpdx) join us (X) @APintofCthulhuand Bsky @apintofcthulhu.bsly.social Blister Crittstillfleet.com https://stillfleet.com/games/blister_critters/