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FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 90-101

APEX SHOW by Jacob Bartek

Episode notes

Lesson 90, "We Need More Smart People": The world's challenges require individuals with mental capacities. An army of engineers and entrepreneurs is needed to rebuild infrastructure from the ground up.

Lesson 91, "Don't Think, Just Do": Encourages action over contemplation. The key is to do more.

Lesson 92, "Focus On Inputs": Emphasizes the importance of concentrating on factors within your control, leading to a calmer mindset and improved execution.

Lesson 93, "Front-end/Back-end": Discusses the two main roles in various endeavors – working on the front-end or back-end.

Lesson 94, "Leave Nothing In Your Tank": Advocates giving your all in every endeavor. If there's gas left, you haven't given everything.

Lesson 95, "Say 'NO' On A Daily Basis": The importance of saying 'NO' regularly, although no specific details are ... 

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