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FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 80-89

APEX SHOW by Jacob Bartek

Episode notes

Lesson 80, "Know Your Stuff," introduces Malcolm Gladwell's Rule of 10,000 hours, emphasizing that expertise comes from doing, not waiting for the perfect time.

"Worst Case Scenarios" in Lesson 81 challenges the concept of the worst-case scenario, highlighting that, in most cases, the consequences are not tragic. Stand up, learn, and try again.

In Lesson 82, "What Are You Willing To Sacrifice?" Jakub explores the theme of sacrifice, emphasizing that everything has its price, and success often requires a willingness to pay.

Lesson 83, "Direct Correlation," explores the direct relationship between inputs and outputs, stressing the importance of leveraging your efforts for maximum impact.

"Complete Elimination Is Better Than Mere Moderation" in Lesson 84 advocates for eliminating distractions entirely rather than moderating t ... 

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