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FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 70-79

APEX SHOW by Jacob Bartek

Episode notes

In Lesson 70, "Seeing Grant Cardone, MIT, and Harvard," Jakub shares thoughts on his upcoming trip in April 2024, reflecting on the significance of visiting prominent institutions and figures.

"Reading Books Has Hidden Benefits" in Lesson 71 explores the unique advantages of reading books compared to other forms of consumption. Discover how reading builds patience, translating to benefits in various aspects of life.

Lesson 72, "It's About The Person Who You Become," delves into the fulfillment found in the pursuit of personal growth. Jakub emphasizes the ongoing process of becoming a better version of oneself.

Lesson 73, "You Unlock New Levels Of You," uncovers the direct correlation between personal growth and the ability to tackle more significant challenges. Explore how reaching new levels of yourself enhances problem-solving ... 

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