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FREE 10-Hour Warrior Course | Lessons 60-69

APEX SHOW by Jacob Bartek

Episode notes

Lesson 60, "Morning Routines Don't Work," challenges the conventional wisdom around morning routines. Discover the observation that engaging more directly with the actual work leads to better results, emphasizing individualized approaches.

In Lesson 61, "Doing More And Spending Less Time Thinking," recognize the efficiency of translating thoughts into action swiftly. The shorter the time to action, the faster the results.

Lesson 62, "Do Full Take-Offs," draws parallels between canceled take-offs and achieving goals. Plan for a runway that ensures a successful take-off in one go.

Lesson 63, "Screw What Other People Think About You," delivers a straightforward message on overcoming the fear of judgment. Embrace the inevitability of failure and focus on your journey.

In Lesson 64, "The Year Of Foundations," explore the analog ... 

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