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  • Greening Casablanca: is urban sus...

Greening Casablanca: is urban sustainability just another word for gentrification? - Cristiana Strava

AnthroArt by Antropedia / Namla / Ambigrama

Episode notes

In the face of challenges posed by climate change, sustainability promises to safeguard our collective future. But not all sustainability projects have a positive impact, and not everyone understands sustainability to mean the same thing.

This is a story about Zenata, a much-celebrated Eco-City currently being built from scratch on a polluted stretch of coast in Morocco. Who benefits from such urban renewal projects and who gets left out? How sustainable is sustainability when it leads to displacement and reproduces inequalities? Answering these questions also points the way towards more inclusive methods for addressing the shared challenges posed by climate change.

Article by Cristiana Strava, illustrated by Margherita Miani, read by Anne van Muijlwijk

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Anthropology and PerformanceUrban SustainabilityGentrificationEco-City DevelopmentMoroccoDisplacementEnvironmental Justice