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  • Living in Precarity - How Social ...

Living in Precarity - How Social Canteens and Soup Kitchens Contribute to Community Solidarity - Beatrice Manole

AnthroArt by Antropedia / Namla / Ambigrama

Episode notes

Creating spaces of solidarity for the most vulnerable is key to ensuring that some form of social justice is achieved, in a society where socio-economic policies and social attitudes are not the most favorable towards these categories. This article looks at how social canteens and soup kitchens contribute to creating such spaces, focusing on a specific category of vulnerability, homelessness, as a case study. Homeless persons belong to a social group extremely prone to poverty, discrimination, and social exclusion, with difficult or very low access to basic needs such as housing, food, belonging, and security. The purpose of this research is to understand to which extent food access initiatives build spaces which can offer a sense of inclusion and safety to their beneficiaries, while altogether meeting their food needs.

Article by Beatr ... 

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anthropologyPrecaritySocial CanteensSoup KitchensCommunity SolidarityPoverty and WelfareSocial SupportUrban Vulnerability