
Escaping Victim Mentality & Changing Negative Thought Patterns

A Lucky Life: A Self Discovery & Improvement Podcast by Megan Lucky

Episode notes

We all go through hard things, and we all feel stuck or trapped sometimes... this episode is for those times. I walk you through my steps of how to reframe your mindset from "Why is this happening to me" to "Why is this happening for me" so that we can feel more empowered in our challenging circumstances. We don't have to go from zero to a hundred in order to change our lives. It's more about believing better is possible than it is actually making all the changes to have better in the moment. We can't control the future but we can control our reactions and beliefs. Don't let your negative thought loops drag you around and control you, learn how to control it by being aware of its patterns and learning of to shift them for the better.