Episode notes
Chapter 81
Runciman was almost too much for Reginald to bear.
Cuthbert had had his faults, but had been able to rouse himself to some sort of passion about British interests and international affairs. Runciman was almost to urbane to draw breath. He smoked endlessly, through a long black cigarette holder. He had lazy eyes, a long nose and a tiny moustache. He was imperturbable. He yawned when their aeroplane had hit a chilly downdraft over some mountains. Reginald was used to yawns from Cuthbert, but this was quite another matter. Cuthbert’s indifference had been an affectation. Runciman’s was innate.
On the aeroplane, Runciman had made things very clear to Reginald.
“You see, my boy, it’s quite simple. All our negotiation will be a show. We’ve ...
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