Episode 108: Mediumship (Part 1), The Medium and the Interference
In this episode, we welcome our first official guest -- medium Beth O'Brien! Here, Becca and I explore the gift of mediumship, how mediums come to understand their gifts, and what it means to them as they come to harness those gifts. We also talk to Beth about the practice of mediumship, what it feels like, and what spirits she has seen. Interestingly, this episode was meant to be released in a single file. Meeting Beth and Kurt's mediumship reading were to take place back-to-back. While editing, however, Kurt discovered that during the reading, the file was garbled, and every time Beth spoke, her voice was filtered over with interference. Kurt tried re-recording by himself with no issues. So, this will be the first part of another two-part episode, with the medium reading part dropping in a few weeks. For now, however, meet Beth and discover the gifts of mediumship and how they manifest. Also learn about how if Kurt was a medium, he would be ruthless in his price structures.J Join us!