(2025 February 1) Space debris demise in the atmosphere: What are the impacts in the era of mega-constellations?

AIAA Los Angeles Section Podcast by AIAA Los Angeles Section

Episode notes

(2025 February 1) Space debris demise in the atmosphere: What are the impacts in the era of mega-constellations? Presenter / Speaker: José P. Ferreira Ph.D. candidate | M.Sc., P.Eng. NASA FINESST & Fulbright fellow Department of Astronautical Engineering Viterbi School of Engineering University of Southern California Event Information: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/dfq35wd/lp/8a7c4683-5630-4d30-945c-11d446f7383e

aiaalos angelesspaceaerospaceatmospheredebrissustainabilitysustainatmconstellationmega-constellation