After 5 with Capital EA

by Capital EA

With over 40 years combined experience in executive assistance, Capital EA's team of senior EAs know what it takes to deliver, succeed and thrive. Managing Director, Ursula Kohler interviews EAs from all walks of life and includes a few invited guests for intriguing value along the way. Join the conversation today!

Podcast episodes

  • After 5 with Capital EA - This month we're talking Mental Health and what we learned during this COVID19 year with special guest and psychologist Ms Lacey Clews

    After 5 with Capital EA - This month we're talking Mental Health and what we learned during this COVID19 year with special guest and psychologist Ms Lacey Clews

    Have you struggled during this 'unusually different' year? It has not been easy for so many, particularly for EAs in having to juggle it all! Lacey Clews is a registered psychologist with over 20 years experience and shares with us what is typically happening on the ground for people during this time. She shares insights and ideas that could help your general wellbeing, whether it be to remember to simply 'just breathe' to checking in and taking stock on how you're actually feeling. If you're wanting to get in touch with Lacey, you can reach her via her website

  • After 5 with Capital EA - If there is a way to add joy to your all means add it! :-) Mr Nick Ginsburg

    After 5 with Capital EA - If there is a way to add joy to your all means add it! :-) Mr Nick Ginsburg

    Our EA guest this month is larger than life, Nick Ginsburg. He has jumped into the online world this year with lots of gusto to share with EAs everything he knows about how to become successful, remain successful and true to yourself along the way! Nick is the EA to the Provost and Senior Vice President at Monash University. Nick shares his story about pivotal steps he took to push himself out of his comfort zone, how being vulnerable played a big part and people he sought advice from to help guide him along the way. We share some deep and meaningfuls about surviving and thriving in the EA role! You'll be sure to pick up a few ideas from this one......let us know what you think and don't forget to subscribe! x

  • After 5 with Capital EA - Starting out in the EA Career can be daunting, but if you're anything like Harry, the role of EA provides many opportunities: Mr Harry Burgess

    After 5 with Capital EA - Starting out in the EA Career can be daunting, but if you're anything like Harry, the role of EA provides many opportunities: Mr Harry Burgess

    Harry is 21 years old, he is bright and has an incredibly open mindset to seize the moment! He continues to trial opportunities that present themselves and as his workplace engages regularly with parliamentarians and tight turnaround times, Harry has a calmness about him that resonates in all that he does! Harry shares the importance of connection with the team and why choosing the best channel to be yourself, take advice from your Mum and give the app Couch to 5K a go to get you moving again. Enjoy this really lovely chat!

  • After 5 with Capital EA - Looking back to the future providing private sector EA support in 2020: Ms Nadene Smith (Episode 7)

    After 5 with Capital EA - Looking back to the future providing private sector EA support in 2020: Ms Nadene Smith (Episode 7)

    Nadene is an Executive Assistant with Leidos, she has over 20 years experience working in the private sector. Nadene talks on her past opportunities, working with the Australian Medical Association, Booz and Company, HP and Leidos Australia now from her home office during COVID-19. Nadene shares some great insights on what she's discovered to work well whilst at home and with various personalities working to a direct lead and four managers within her team at Leidos.

  • After 5 with Capital EA - We're talking big topics, real life, and why sweating the small stuff is history!: Invited Guest Ms Bin Barnier (Episode 6)

    After 5 with Capital EA - We're talking big topics, real life, and why sweating the small stuff is history!: Invited Guest Ms Bin Barnier (Episode 6)

    We all get caught up in the small stuff, but when a life threatening event hits you, a whole new perspective when does the big stuff become your priority? Bin shares her 'present reality' and how being too busy can really be a serious issue! Bin is a mentor and coach and incredibly motivational woman that everyone needs to connect with!