Troy Coleman: God Found Me After the Crash (beyond rock bottom)

2 Dudes, 1 God Pod by Trey Thedford and Pat Lacy

Episode notes

Troy's testimony is powerful, funny, interesting, and at times heavy. God definitely left the 99 to bring him back. Transformative life events and spiritual experiences brought us Troy - and we're glad to have him as a brother! The banana t-shirt is pretty cool!

testimonystorylifeJesusredemptionredeemingfaithchristchristianitylovefatherfamilyministryreligionchurchmarriagemiracleprayerholy spiritshroomsmushroomspsychedelicbattleoffenderconvictprisondrugsweedmarijuanamanslaughteralcoholjails, institutions and deathaanaalcoholicaddict