The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles Then and Now with Andrew Skinner (week of July 17, 1st to listen to)

The Scriptures Are Real di Kerry Muhlestein

Note sull'episodio

In part one of this episode, Andy Skinner and Kerry explore the vision that sent taught Peter and the church that the full blessings of the gospel and covenant were available to all people, not just Jews. They discuss how this is one of the most important events in the history of the church in any era. They also look at parallels with the spread of the Gospel in the Latter days. This leads to discussions about what all of this has to do with us in our lives in our day.

We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and for our editor, BJ Muhlestein, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.

Parole chiave
gentilespeterspread the gospelcoveantcornelius