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For more exclusive content and expert advice, head over to Explore the science behind electromagnetic fields and their potential dangers to our health. Unveil the truth about EMFs, from the convenience of wireless technology to its unseen hazards. Joined by Dr. William Pawluk, a leading authority in pulsed electromagnetic therapy, we delve into how EMFs, particularly from devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi routers, may impact our health on a cellular level. Understand the difference between beneficial and harmful frequencies, and why the absorption of high-frequency EMFs by our bodies could lead to serious health issues, including tissue and cellular damage, and potentially cancer. Stay informe ...
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nathan cranethe nathan crane podcasthealthnathan crane podcastnathancranethenathancranepodcasthealth and wellnesshealth and healing conversationNathan emfpemfDr. William Pawluk