Talk To Danielle

di Danielle C. Baker

Talking about things we wished we would have been taught early on in life and how important it is for us to transfer this information over to our children. Danielle C Baker talks about things no one wants to talk about. No sugar-coating. From parenting traps to avoid, to children’s non-verbal ways to communicate, to wellness and positive mindset, Danielle works to help you heal faster so she does not have to heal your child. ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Parenting On The Edge: When Talks Of Suicide May Not Be For Attention with Danielle C Baker

    Parenting On The Edge: When Talks Of Suicide May Not Be For Attention with Danielle C Baker

    With suicide being the #2 leading cause of death in the USA for people ages 10 to 24, we need to stop censoring it and talk about it! Our babies would rather take their lives than to come to us for help. In this episode, Danielle shares the signs that will tell you this goes beyond attention-seeking, what to do about it, and what not to do about it. This episode is brought to you by The Self-Esteem Doctor Online Academy. Visit for amazing resources to help with your child's self=esteem, confidence, and so much more.

  • What Is Love (part 2)?: The Neurodivergent Edition with Danielle C Baker

    What Is Love (part 2)?: The Neurodivergent Edition with Danielle C Baker

    It is known that Neurodivergent people do not process emotions in the same way as Neurotypical people, so it is perfectly natural that they would show their love in a different way. In this episode, Danielle explains 5 main Love Languages, also know as Love Locutions, often found with neurodivergent people in order to help you tune in to the way your neurodivergent may be showing affection. This episode is brought to you by the Self-Esteem Doctor Online Academy. Visit for great resource to help your child with self-esteem, confidence, and so much more.

  • The Impact Of Shame: Overcoming The Fear Of Embarrassment with Danielle C Baker

    The Impact Of Shame: Overcoming The Fear Of Embarrassment with Danielle C Baker

    Fear of Embarrassment, one of the most impactful fear in adulthood is a result of the shame we have been subject to as children. Knowing this, why are we still using shame as a management tool for our children's behaviours? In this episode, Danielle walks you through what shame is, how children process it, how to recognize the sign in our children, the long-term effects of chronic shaming, and how to move away from this parenting tool. This episode is brought to you by The Self-Esteem Doctor Online Academy. Visit for resources that will help with your child's self-esteem, confidence, and so much more.

  • Godparents Evolved: Modern Roles Beyond Tradition? with Danielle C Baker

    Godparents Evolved: Modern Roles Beyond Tradition? with Danielle C Baker

    The role of godparents has evolved considerably over time, taking on different roles according to the family's needs. Whether it is just a title to give and receive, a continuation of religious traditions that also involve legal implications, or an upgraded version to make sure the child is being supported as needed, this is a role that does need to be redefined. What does the role of a godparent mean to you? This episode is brought to you by the Self-Esteem Doctor Online Academy. Visit for great resources that will help with your child's confidence and self-esteem.

  • Stimming Positivity: Understanding The Self-Soothing Behaviours Of Neurodivergent Children with Danielle C Baker

    Stimming Positivity: Understanding The Self-Soothing Behaviours Of Neurodivergent Children with Danielle C Baker

    Everybody stims! So why are the stimming behaviours of neurodivergent people viewed in such a negative way? In this episode, Danielle walks us through 6 different stimming behaviours and how to raise awareness for this perfectly normal coping mechanism. This episode is brought to you be The Self-Esteem Doctor Online Academy. Visit for great resources to help your child with self-esteem and confidence.