Note sull'episodio
STEMlords have an annoying habit of claiming that social science is only anecdotal evidence. We talk through what that actually means and how to make it consistent across a handful of case studies of the good, the bad, and the weird.
Richards, K., Death, J., & Ronken, C. (2021). What do victim/survivors of sexual violence think about Circles of Support and Accountability?. Victims & Offenders, 16(6), 893-911.
Stewart, C. C., Langan, D., & Hannem, S. (2013). Victim experiences and perspectives on police responses to verbal violence in domestic settings. Feminist Criminology, 8(4), 269-294.
Nahin, R.L., (2002), December. Use of the best case series to evaluate complementary and alternative therapies for cancer: a systematic review. In Seminars in oncology (Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 552-562). WB Saunders.
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