Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Episode #32 with Cassie Anderson from 'Lifeformed' - July 7, 2021

    Episode #32 with Cassie Anderson from 'Lifeformed' - July 7, 2021

    This time I had a fun conversation with Cassie Anderson, artist and more from Lifeformed, in Episode 32! You can now request this comic from the Diamond Previews through order number JUN211752! We discuss how the characters came to be, including the aliens, as well as what we can expect from Lifeformed in the months ahead! Be sure to order this book at your local comics shop or in the store at scoutcomics.com!

  • Episode #31 with Mike Barry from 'Action Tank' - June 16, 2021

    Episode #31 with Mike Barry from 'Action Tank' - June 16, 2021

    Creator Mike Barry from Action Tank is here in Episode 31 this week! This engaging Scoot! series can be ordered from the Diamond Previews through order number JUN211762! We discuss what the book is about, who the characters are, and what we can expect from Mike and Action Tank in the coming months! Be sure your local comics shop orders this comic for you!

  • Episode #30 with Matt Mair Lowery from 'Lifeformed' - June 9, 2021

    Episode #30 with Matt Mair Lowery from 'Lifeformed' - June 9, 2021

    This week I talk with Matt Mair Lowery from Lifeformed, a terrific YA series coming to Scout Comics! To order the first issue, tell your local comics shop to request JUN211752! We talk about how this engaging series came to be, including the wonderful art by Cassie Anderson as well as learning about Cleo and her "Dads" Alex and "Alien Alex." Be sure to buy this great comic!

  • Episode #29 with Steph Cannon and Matt Knowles - June 2, 2021

    Episode #29 with Steph Cannon and Matt Knowles - June 2, 2021

    Misfitz Clubhouse is coming from Steph Cannon and Matt Knowles, and it's all part of Scoot Frontiers, which we discuss in Episode 29! This 64-page magazine is in the Diamond Previews with order number STL193095! We discuss who the characters are, how this fun feature came to be, and what Insymmetry Creations will be up to in the months ahead!

  • Episode #28 with Himkar S. Tak from 'Redshift' - May 26, 2021

    Episode #28 with Himkar S. Tak from 'Redshift' - May 26, 2021

    Today is the day Redshift #1 hits your local comics shop! To celebrate, I talk with Creator/Writer Himkar S. Tak about the book! If your local store doesn't have it, you can find it here at ScoutComics.com! If you enjoy science fiction like I do, you'll love this comic!