Episode #23: Escalating Tensions: Tshisekedi vs. Kagame Amid M23's Resurgence in Eastern DRC

RAIA(ffairs) di RAIA

Note sull'episodio

In this episode, we sat down with Roxane de Bergevin to explore the intensifying conflict between DRC President Félix Tshisekedi and Rwandan President Paul Kagame as the M23 rebels advance in Eastern DRC. Tshisekedi accuses Kagame of supporting the M23, leading to destabilization and resource exploitation in the region. We discuss the recent attacks in North Kivu, the displacement of civilians, and the strategic importance of regaining control over valuable resources.

Please don't forget to read Roxane's article here: https://raiagroup.org/hostilities-between-tshisekedi-and-kagame-persist-as