Midweek Moments

di The Salvation Army of Staunton

This is a time for us to be still and take a moment to hear from God.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 5

  • A Message for Easter Weekend

    A Message for Easter Weekend

    Focus on the hope Christ's death and resurrection gives us!

  • A Clean Slate

    A Clean Slate

    "Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

  • Trust and Obey

    Trust and Obey

    "My thoughts are not like your thoughts . . . " Isaiah 55:8

  • God's Unconditional Love

    God's Unconditional Love

    "God doesn't just love us - He IS love."

  • Stagione 4

  • Who Else?

    Who Else?

    "Only One did that for me."