Free Speech and Press in Challenging Places

Liberty Under Law di The Robert H. Jackson Center

Note sull'episodio
Bay Fang, President, Radio Free Asia joins Kristan to discuss the challenges and importance of news reporting in and from Asian countries without strong press freedoms, including China, Cambodia, Laos, Tibet, and the Uyghurs. Bay Fang oversees award-winning journalism with the mission of bringing free press to closed societies in Asia. She spent most of her career in print journalism, as the Beijing Bureau Chief and covering the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for US News and World Report, and later as the Diplomatic Correspondent for the Chicago Tribune. She served in government during the Obama Administration as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Press and Public Diplomacy. Ms. Fang earned her undergraduate degree at Harvard University, was a visitin ...   ...  Leggi dettagli
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lawfree speechspeechjournalismreporting