In Case You Get Hit By A Podcast

di Abby Schneiderman & Gene Newman

Abby Schneiderman and Gene Newman, co-authors of the Amazon bestseller "In Case You Get Hit By A Bus", cover issues related to better organizing your life, and getting prepared for the unexpected. New episodes released every other Monday.

Abby Schneiderman is the co-founder and co-CEO of Everplans, an industry leader in digital estate planning and organization. Gene Newman is Everplans' Editorial Director and writes Ev ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Goodbye, 2023!

    Goodbye, 2023!

    This week Abby & Gene discuss their end-of-year rituals that make them feel organized and prepared as they head into the new year. From clearing out closets to setting resolutions and goals, this episode will have you ready to make 2024 your most organized year yet.

  • Incredible posthumous gifts

    Incredible posthumous gifts

    This week’s episode is a real heart-warmer. Start your week off with these stories of incredible people who left life-changing gifts after their death.

  • Should you censor your legacy?

    Should you censor your legacy?

    This week we're talking about legacy, and whether or not it's ethical to edit yours. Through looking at one iconic example, Walt Disney, Abby and Gene discuss the different implications when it comes to paring down your legacy to look a certain way.

  • What to know about Advance Directives

    What to know about Advance Directives

    This week on the pod, Abby and Gene dive into advance directives; what they are, what the components are, and how to get it done.

  • What's so scary about estate planning?

    What's so scary about estate planning?

    Happy Halloween! This week on the podcast we're talking about what scares people about estate planning, and how to overcome it! Listen now at the link in bio - available wherever you pod.