The G2 on 5G Podcast - Episode 56 – June 25th 2021

The G2 on 5G Podcast by Moor Insights & Strategy di Anshel Sag and Will Townsend

Note sull'episodio

In this episode of The G2 on 5G, Anshel and Will Cover:

1. Nokia refreshes its AirScale 5G RAN portfolio - can it better compete with Ericsson and Samsung Networks?

2. Samsung Announces New 5G Chipsets & RFICs for Infrastructure at Samsung Networks: Redefined 2021

3. RootMetrics identifies South Korea as a leader in 5G deployment - what’s the advantage for the country and its operators?

4. China Mobile Adds 16.65 million 5G Subscribers in May, up to 221.95 million 5G subs and up from 55.60 million a year ago. China Mobile’s current user base is 942.8 million

5. TMobile sells 5Gin and 5Ginger beer - random gimmick or marketing genius?

6. South Korea Eyes First 6G Network in 2028

Parole chiave
samsung 5gsamsung networks redefined6g vision5g soc