Elevate Market Chat

di Elevate Capital Advisors

Elevate Market Chat is a monthly broadcast including conversations between Kyle Lottman CFA, CMT, CPA and Shane Fleury, CFA. They discuss the state of financial markets, risk management, trading and financial planning topics.

Kyle and Shane work with clients at Elevate Capital Advisors. Elevate is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor headquartered in Eagle, Colorado. The firm was founded in 2017 and manages nearly $15 ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Episode 5: Rate cuts, NVDA, Concentrated Stock Positions and CBO Numbers

    Episode 5: Rate cuts, NVDA, Concentrated Stock Positions and CBO Numbers

    This month’s episode was recorded on June 20th 2024. Shane and I start this episode off with an update on rate cuts by some of the central banks and what that could mean for the Fed and equities. We then check in on NVDA and some risk management strategies to consider. We wrap it all up with a look at the latest CBO numbers. If you would like to contact Elevate Capital Advisors and submit questions or topics to be covered in future episodes, please do so by submitting them to info@elevatecapitaladvisors.com.

  • Episode 4: NVDA Earnings, Debt Markets and The Resurgence of the Meme Stocks

    Episode 4: NVDA Earnings, Debt Markets and The Resurgence of the Meme Stocks

    This month’s episode was recorded on May 23rd 2024. Shane and I kick off this episode with a discussion of inflation and adjusted rate expectations. We then dive into commercial and government debt. We’ll finish off by addressing the resurgence of some of the meme stocks including GME before getting into NVDA and their latest earnings release. If you would like to contact Elevate Capital Advisors and submit questions or topics to be covered in future episodes, please do so by submitting them to info@elevatecapitaladvisors.com. If you would like to read some of the source material for topics covered in this episode please do so by following the links below: Commercial Real Estate https://fortune.com/2024/03/07/jerome-powell-commercial-real-estate-bank-failures-problem-for-years/ https://www.elevatecapitaladvisors.com/news/2023/5/10/market-commentary NY Fed https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc Student Debt Forgiveness https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/20/student-loan-forgiveness-nears-160b-what-to-know-about-relief-options.html

  • Episode 3: Discussing Latest GDP Numbers, Bitcoin and the Mag7

    Episode 3: Discussing Latest GDP Numbers, Bitcoin and the Mag7

    This episode of Elevate Market Chat occurs the day after the latest GDP release. Shane Fleury, CFA and Kyle Lottman, CFA, CMT, CPA dive into the latest economics and what it might mean for markets. With all the buzz around crypto lately they felt it necessary to cover Bitcoin and ways to own it. Lastly, they check in on the Mag7. Please submit questions to be covered in future episodes by sending them to info@elevatecapitaladvisors.com.

  • Episode 2: Post FOMC Rate Decision

    Episode 2: Post FOMC Rate Decision

    Join Shane and me as we discuss the latest FOMC meeting and what it means for financial markets. We then discuss whether opting out of social security in your working years if given the opportunity makes sense. Lastly, we cover questions around NVDA and whether it is too late to invest and how could investors have caught the trend early.

  • Episode 1: State of The Markets after NVDA Reported

    Episode 1: State of The Markets after NVDA Reported

    NVDA reported earnings this week played a large role in moving the markets higher. Shane and I discuss this, the Mag 7, market fundamentals and financial planning topics investors should be thinking about as the position into 2024.