The Dog Scholar

di Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, Jamie Penrith and Danny Wells

Did you know that dogs never feel guilty, they literally see magnetism, and they're able to smell how you're feeling. Science is making incredible discoveries about human's best friends, and this is the show where we present the latest findings to the world.


Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton is a dog-obsessed neuroscientist researching human and animal learning mechanisms.

Danny  ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Do dogs have a concept of TIME?

    Do dogs have a concept of TIME?

    Can your dog tell the time? Humans have circadian rhythms, an internal 24 hour body clock, but how do dogs know when it's dinner time? Let's get into the neuroscience that defines a dog's day. Check out Whimzees: What is going on inside the mind of your dog? Sit down every week with The Dog Scholar to unpick a new big question about dogs. Prof Sab brings the latest scientific research, Danny and Jamie bring 20 years of experience working with and training thousands of dogs. Takeaway fun facts, bust your own long held myths, and get to know humans' best friends in a completely new way. Send your questions and personal dog related icks to Find us on social media @dogscholarpodcast.

  • Do dogs understand FAIRNESS?

    Do dogs understand FAIRNESS?

    How good is your dog at sharing? Humans see fairness as sharing, cooperating and not showing favouritism. But do dogs feel a sense of injustice when something is unfair? Trust the science to tell us what's fair... Check out Whimzees: What is going on inside the mind of your dog? Sit down every week with The Dog Scholar to unpick a new big question about dogs. Prof Sab brings the latest scientific research, Danny and Jamie bring 20 years of experience working with and training thousands of dogs. Takeaway fun facts, bust your own long held myths, and get to know humans' best friends in a completely new way. Send your questions and personal dog related icks to Find us on social media @dogscholarpodcast.

  • Can Dogs Adapt to Anything?

    Can Dogs Adapt to Anything?

    Moving house, changing owners and losing limbs; how do we help dogs adapt to big changes? What can the science of dog evolution and more recent breeding tell us about a dog's resilience to change. Check out Whimzees: Sit down every week with The Dog Scholar to unpick a new big question about dogs. Prof Sab brings the latest scientific research, Danny and Jamie bring 20 years of experience working with and training thousands of dogs. Takeaway fun facts, bust your own long held myths, and get to know humans' best friends in a completely new way. Send your questions and personal dog related icks to Find us on social media @dogscholarpodcast.

  • Should I Sleep With My Dog?

    Should I Sleep With My Dog?

    Are you sleeping with your dog? 56% of humans do. But does it lead to a better nights sleep? Lets examine the science to compare dogs, cats, and human partners to find out the ultimate bed companion. Check out Whimzees: Sit down every week with The Dog Scholar to unpick a new big question about dogs. Prof Sab brings the latest scientific research, Danny and Jamie bring 20 years of experience working with and training thousands of dogs. Takeaway fun facts, bust your own long held myths, and get to know humans' best friends in a completely new way. Send your questions and personal dog related icks to Find us on social media @dogscholarpodcast.

  • Does my dog have OCD?

    Does my dog have OCD?

    Can dogs get diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder? OCD affects around 3% of humans and runs in families, but is your dog genetically more likely to have it? Let's get into the science of dog mental health. Check out Whimzees: Sit down every week with The Dog Scholar to unpick a new big question about dogs. Prof Sab brings the latest scientific research, Danny and Jamie bring 20 years of experience working with and training thousands of dogs. Takeaway fun facts, bust your own long held myths, and get to know humans' best friends in a completely new way. Send your questions and personal dog related icks to Find us on social media @dogscholarpodcast.