The Truth about Compassion Fatigue for Lawyers: Managing Empathic Overwhelm with Claire E. Parsons of Bricker Graydon LLP
Claire E. Parsons, a lawyer, author, mindfulness and compassion educator, and the founder of the Brilliant Legal Mind blog, will introduce you to practices that allow you to foster compassion, sidestep overwhelm, and more effectively navigate the stresses of both legal practice and everyday life. Numerous articles, seminars, and well-meaning professionals caution lawyers about the risks associated with "compassion fatigue." The reasoning behind this is straightforward: lawyers often prioritize their clients' needs and interests, which can lead them to neglect their own well-being. However, the issue with this term is that compassion itself is not the true problem; rather, it may serve as a potential solution. In this session, you'll discover that the more accurate term for the challenge many want lawyers to recognize is "empathic overwhelm." You will learn the essential distinctions between empathy and compassion, and how these differences can significantly impact your life and legal practice. Audio versions of Beverly Hills Bar Association programs are eligible for Self-Study CLE credit in California. Visit for more information.