explore words discover worlds

di Bradford Literature Festival

Expand your horizons with 'explore words discover worlds', the podcast that brings the world of Bradford Literature Festival to your ears. From the classics to the cutting edge, we'll introduce you to the most exciting and thought-provoking authors, poets, and thinkers.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • S2 EP46: Hyper-Individualism - A 21st Century Obsession

    S2 EP46: Hyper-Individualism - A 21st Century Obsession

    In this episode, our panel discuss how society has changed and ask whether our obsession with individualism has eroded community values. Has life in the 21st century become all about the cult of the individual?

  • S2 EP45 : Hitler's Rise to Power

    S2 EP45 : Hitler's Rise to Power

    In this episode, Mark Jones, author of 1923: The Forgotten Crisis in the Year of Hitler’s Coup, explores how and why Hitler and the Nazis were able to come to power, and how they remained in power for so long.

  • S2 EP44: Alt Wallah the Muslim Manosphere

    S2 EP44: Alt Wallah the Muslim Manosphere

    In this episode, we delve into a new category of thought called ‘Alt-Wallah’ within the Islamicate, based around a supposed crisis of masculinity, the Alt Right, and Muslim men.

  • S2 EP43: Women We Buried, Women We Burned

    S2 EP43: Women We Buried, Women We Burned

    In this episode, hear from Rachel Louise Snyder as she tells her own story, which is as dramatic as many of those she has covered during her career as an award-winning journalist.

  • S2 EP42: New World Order - China and Russia

    S2 EP42: New World Order - China and Russia

    In this episode, our panel of experts explore China’s increasing involvement in brokering deals in the Middle East, Russia and China’s shared and separate agendas, and the potential for a new global power structure.