
di Drew Grill, Luke McDermott, and Nick Whittaker

Looking for a podcast to pass the time and feel like you're at the bar with some friends? Well, grab a beer and turn the volume up, cause the boys at Beer:30 are here to help.

It's always Beer:30 when Luke, Drew, and Nick are on the mics!

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Ep. 154: Let's Steal an Airship


    Ep. 154: Let's Steal an Airship


    We are starting with a fight this week! A dungeons and dragons fight obviously as we are back with the Dirty Hurties! This week the gang tries to start a mutiny! It's always Beer:30 when Luke, Drew, Nick, and Alex are on the mics!

  • Ep. 153: What is Science Fiction?


    Ep. 153: What is Science Fiction?


    We are here with Episode 153 (even if Luke says 152 in the intro like an idiot)! This week we have some happy hour and another 6 pack draft where we draft our favorite Sci-Fi movies, well some of us do... It's always Beer:30 when Luke, Drew, and Nick are on the mics!

  • Ep. 152: Well Lit Foot


    Ep. 152: Well Lit Foot


    The Dirty Hurties are back with another episode of DnD Where they figure out what they are supposed to do now they have the Chalice. It's always Beer:30 when Luke, Drew, Nick, and Alex are on the mics!

  • Ep. 151: For Bulgaria?


    Ep. 151: For Bulgaria?


    In this episode we do our first ever 20 pack and the boys put together a list of their most anticipated things from 2025! It was supposed to be content but some people don't pay attention so here we are. It's always Beer:30 with Luke, Drew, Nick, and Alex on the mics!

  • Ep. 150: Lot of Titties, Lot of 9/11


    Ep. 150: Lot of Titties, Lot of 9/11


    The first episode of the year and we are here with our "Annual" Succies Award Show. There is some absolute bat shit crazy stuff in here so you do not want to miss out! Father, Son, Grocery Bagger. Thank you Ed! It's always Beer:30 when Luke, Drew, Nick, and Alex are on the mics!