Watch4thehook Business & Entrepreneur Podcast: A Small Business Podcast for Small Business Owners

por Micheal & Tatiana Parker Little Rock

We will give you an in-depth look at what really goes on for small business entrepreneurs. You all will get to peek behind the curtains of the business world with Micheal and Tatiana Parker, the CO-Owners of WATCH4THEHOOK apparel brand. We will give you an unfiltered perspective to what really goes on in their day to day lives as business entrepreneurs. Tha Hook is any unforeseen circumstance that is hindering you from achie ... 

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    The Legacy I Leave Will Be Greater Than Me Part 2


    *****Follow the Best Small Business Podcast Today on All Major Platforms***** Legacy is more about leaving something in people, more than leaving something for people. That is such a profound statement. We have often talked about how it is something in business owners that is not in most people. Our time on this planet will be encompassed by a dash (-) when it is all said and done, but you can be discussed by others well after your time is done. It is up to you on how you will be discussed. Me and my wife want to be talked about by our great-grandchildren like we we the best thing since sliced bread. lol Tune into this episode if you feel like you are willing to be discussed after your - is done. #legacy #genrationalwealth #bulidingalegacy #foundation #helpingothers #sucession #life #glory #assets #story #family #actions#community #friends

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  • The Knowledge You Gain As You Grow in Business Will Help You Learn What to Ignore


    The Knowledge You Gain As You Grow in Business Will Help You Learn What to Ignore


    ***** Help This Small Business Podcast Grow By Following It On Your Favorite Podcast Player***** The term knowledge is power stands the test of time for a reason. This philosophy can be used in everyday business life as well. The knowledge you gain as you grow in business should be a great attribute to help you stay away from the unnecessary mistakes if possible. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what makes your brand your brand are invaluable. Prioritizing your time, and planning accordingly can help you grow as a business owner. There will always be fads, the can't miss things, and all that jazz to distract you. #knowledge #distractions #philosophy #businessgrowth #strengths #weaknesses #diversity #leadership #socialjustice #belonging #community #professionaldeveopment #equity #inclusion

  • Personal Branding Can Help Define Your Brand


    Personal Branding Can Help Define Your Brand


    *****Subscribe and Download the best Small Business Podcast Today***** Personal branding can help you to communicate who you are, what you value, and how you express those values. A personal brand can help you understand yourself better and possibly feel more confident. A personal brand that reflects your values can help you connect with others on a more profound level. A personal brand can help you attract opportunities that align with your values and goals. Lots of small businesses were built off the personal branding of the owner or owners themselves. Listen to this episode to see if your personal branding is something you may need to develop or tweak. #personalbrand #branding #marketing #image #imageconsulting #brandvalues #confidence #branddevelopment #brandeverything #uniquevalue #authenticity #skills

  • The Misconception That it is Less Risky to Start a Business Than in Years Past


    The Misconception That it is Less Risky to Start a Business Than in Years Past


    *****Subscribe, Follow, and Download the BEST Small Business Podcast Today***** Over the past few decades, entrepreneurship has transformed from a risky and outlier career choice to a mainstream, highly aspirational pursuit. With the creation of the internet and the capabilities of creating an ecommerce business has only amplified the avenues to entrepreneurship. But please don't get it twisted there is still plenty of risk in starting a business in 2025. There is just a level of acceptable risk to be accepted by all parties involved. Tune in to hear how we discuss is there a misconception about the risk of starting a business. #acceptablerisk #businessowner #ecommerce #smallbusinessowner #riskybusiness #entrpreneurship #beinginbusiness